End-to-End testing as it should be

Ramona Schwering
Ramona Schwering

March 13, 2020

This content is also available in german

When it comes to UI testing, some developers tend to be reluctant a lot. Are those tests slow, flaky, hard to write and maintain?
Symfony UK Meetup 2020
eCommerce Camp Jena 2020
Reacticon 2021
c't webdev 2021
NeosCon 2022
Web Summer Camp 2022


This talk contains live coding and is tailed specifically for the event. This means I usually test their own website.


When it comes to UI testing, some developers tend to be reluctant a lot. Are those tests slow, flaky, hard to write and maintain?

Cypress.io (or Cypress for short) is currently getting a lot of attention when it comes to end-to-end testing. Especially in JavaScript environments Cypress.io seems to be slowly gaining acceptance. However, it plays to its strengths in Symfony applications as well: It does a lot of things right and is preferable to selenium-based approaches in my opinion.

In my session, I want to introduce Cypress to you and explore its possibilities by writing first tests for the SymfonyCon website - so that we can overcome those concerns together.

